Submitted by admin on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 10:03
THE “GIANTS OF THE FOREST” have a distinct characteristic that enables them to survive even strong high winds.

Well-known to forest dwellers and hunters as
Redwoods, the
Sequoia trees are strikingly very steady and enduring. Distinct from other trees that usually sink their roots to a depth proportionate to their height,
Redwoods, which tower above the earth at tremendous heights, send their roots outward to intermingle with each other. Collectively, these trees make a shatterproof stronghold, enabling them to weather all kinds of destructive winds ...
Submitted by admin on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 02:13
This morning, before we carry out one of our responsibilities in the office, we humbly come to you in prayers, we offer you our bountiful thanksgivings—for not only did You wake us up again today with our precious life and strength, but also You have allowed us to safely reach our office, that we may be able to fulfill the duties that were entrusted unto us.
Before we ask of You to grant our needs, allow us to do the privilege to glorify Your most holy name, kindly accept the humble worship of your poor servants, together with our supplication to forgive us for all our sins and understand our natural weaknesses ...
Submitted by admin on Mon, 04/25/2011 - 00:54
We thank you, Oh Lord, for all the loving kindness that You have showered upon us ...
As we perform our various tasks in the office, we beseech You to please grant unto us the physical energy, the necessary skills, and the wisdom that we would need in fulfilling our responsibilities, keep us away from any mistake, that the office and the people we serve may truly benefit from us. ...
Submitted by admin on Tue, 12/28/2010 - 09:28

1. ALLOW NO ANGER to rule your spirit.
2. Allow no fear in your life.
3. Always keep an open mind.
4. Always be loyal to your friends. Enjoy them.
5. Always be compassionate to the poor.
Submitted by admin on Tue, 12/28/2010 - 09:19

1. DEVELOPED A RELAXED, joyful attitude toward life.
2. Develop a spirit of kindness.
3. Don’t quarrel with anyone. You can agree with your adversary.
4. Don’t let calamities or world disasters destroy your spirit.
5. Don’t be afraid of the notion that you may fall—God will catch you.
Submitted by admin on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 12:43

Editor’s note: This poem by an award-winning author teaches, among others, that some important lessons in life can be learned from the simple things around us. Happy reading!
a place to learn a lot of things;
From dawn till dusk to another morn
life’s varied wisdom richly springs.