Submitted by admin on Sat, 04/02/2011 - 02:27

THERE ARE AT LEAST 10 “crimes” that deserve capital punishment according to the Old Testament of the Bible:
1. Murder
Exo. 21:12: "Whoever hits a man and kills him is to be put to death.”
Exo. 21:14: “But when a man gets angry and deliberately kills another man, he is to be put to death, even if he has run to my altar for safety.”
2. Rape
Deut. 22:25: "Suppose a man out in the countryside rapes a girl who is engaged to someone else. Then only the man is to be put to death;”
3. Adultery
Lev. 20:10, 11-12: “If a man commits adultery with the wife of a fellow Israelite, both he and the woman shall be put to death” ...
Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/04/2010 - 12:05
... As admitted by a well-known atheist French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, atheism necessarily implies that “All existing things are born for no reason, continue through weakness and die by accident… It is meaningless that we are born; it is meaningless that we die” ...
Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/04/2010 - 11:54
... whereas other religions such as Eastern traditions typically put sorrow, pain, and suffering in the category of illusion—that “evil and suffering are real only as long as the ego believes them to be real” and that “they will fade away as one gains enlightenment about the illusory nature of the phenomenal world,” Christianity, on the other hand, bluntly confronts these profound issues from the very first pages of Genesis ...
Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/04/2010 - 11:46
… the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) continues its swift ascent from being “an almost unknown MMA show” to having graced the covers of Sports Illustrated and ESPN The Magazine, its fighters like Randy “the Natural” Couture and Quinton “Rampage” Jackson having played key roles in some Hollywood big films. No wonder therefore that today, not a few youth around the world train to fight in MMA competitions. But unaware as many of us God’s children may be, we too are inevitably engaged in a brutal form of fight …
Submitted by admin on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 12:15

Many people in this age of pluralism believe that as various faiths incessantly emerge in every sector of our society, many are led to suppose that religions are only superficially different ...
Submitted by admin on Fri, 04/16/2010 - 15:24
…IF YOU WERE living in the past when there were no telescope, camera, television, space shuttle, and the like, would you believe if someone came with the news that the earth was round and hanged on nothing?
The old view is contrary to this. Such news was then far-fetched and hard to believe. People would have probably just raised an eyebrow, shrugged the shoulders, or condemned the one who brought such unusual information. This happened to Galileo Galilei ...