THERE ARE AT LEAST 10 “crimes” that deserve capital punishment according to the Old Testament of the Bible:
1. Murder
Exo. 21:12: "Whoever hits a man and kills him is to be put to death.”
Exo. 21:14: “But when a man gets angry and deliberately kills another man, he is to be put to death, even if he has run to my altar for safety.”
2. Rape
Deut. 22:25: "Suppose a man out in the countryside rapes a girl who is engaged to someone else. Then only the man is to be put to death;”
3. Adultery
Lev. 20:10, 11-12: “If a man commits adultery with the wife of a fellow Israelite, both he and the woman shall be put to death.”
4. Incest
Lev. 20:11-12: “A man who has intercourse with one of his father's wives disgraces his father, and both he and the woman shall be put to death. They are responsible for their own death. If a man has intercourse with his daughter-in-law, they shall both be put to death. They have committed incest and are responsible for their own death.”
5. Kidnapping
Exo. 21:16: "Whoever kidnaps a man, either to sell him or to keep him as a slave, is to be put to death.”
6. Witchcraft
Lev. 20:27: "Any man or woman who consults the spirits of the dead shall be stoned to death; any person who does this is responsible for his own death."
7. Breaking the Sabbath
Exo. 31:14: You must keep the day of rest, because it is sacred. Whoever does not keep it, but works on that day, is to be put to death.”
8. Hitting or striking a parent
Exo. 21:15: "Whoever hits his father or his mother is to be put to death.”
9. Reviling a parent
Exo. 21:17: "Whoever curses his father or his mother is to be put to death.”
10. Blasphemy
Lev. 24:16: “… Any Israelite or any foreigner living in Israel who curses the LORD shall be stoned to death by the whole community.”
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