Divorce in the Philippines: An Essay

The following essay on Divorce in the Philippines answers and discusses the following questions:
1. Are you in favor of divorce?  Please state your reasons.
2. Do you think divorce is morally permissible?
3. What will be its effects if divorce becomes legal in the Philippines?
4. What are the main causes of divorce, in your opinion?
5. What can married couples do to try to avoid a divorce?

Essay on Divorce

I am not in favor of divorce. I believe that the sanctity of marriage should be recognized and respected.
It is the Lord God Himself Who established marriage as a lifelong union between a man and a woman (Gen. 2:18, 21-24) and so He categorically hates divorce (Mal. 2:15-16).
God’s laws bind a married couple for as long as they live (Rom. 7:1-2) and thus, no person should put asunder or separate what God has joined together in marriage (Matt. 19:3-6).

Is divorce morally permissible?

For Christians, the basis of morality is God's words (Rom. 7:12) written in the Holy Scriptures or Bible (II Tim. 3:15-17).
And since the Bible definitely teaches that "no man may divorce what God has joined together” (Matt. 19:3-6 Living Bible), divorce, therefore, is not morally permissible.

Effects of divorce if it becomes legal in the Philippines

Philippines is generally a religious country and many Filipinos regard marriage as an institution sanctioned not only by laws but also by God.
So most likely, there would be stigma attached to being divorced.
Some studies also state that teenagers who are products of parental divorce are inclined to experience socio-emotional and psychological problems. For instance, it is said that they are more likely to try illegal drugs.
Divorce can also be a family issue that brings about stress. Divorce may result in new living conditions and other stressful circumstances like having blended family, lacking privacy, and having to adjust to new house and school.
Clash with a step-parent, sibling rivalry, and the responsibility to look after step-siblings may also cause stress.

Main causes of divorce

Main causes of divorce include communication issues, money and finances, lack of commitment, incompatibility, infidelity, addiction of any kind, and domestic violence.
Ultimately, however, divorce boils down to lack of genuine love between partners. For if true love reigns in their relationship, then there is no reason for a husband and wife to have a divorce.

What married couples can do to avoid a divorce

Genuine love for each other is essential for married couples to avoid a divorce. Once in a while, they must endeavor to rekindle the love between them.
In a religious perspective, married couples ought to allow God’s will to reign in their married life. This includes wives submiting themselves to their own husbands (Eph. 5:22) and husbands loving their wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for it (Eph. 5:25).


Copyright by Senna Micah L. Mañebog/ OurHappySchool.com

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