This article on plagiarism contributed by MARY ROSEANN A. RAMIREZ was originally published in the December 2010 issue of SINAG-CSSP, the official publication of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) UP Diliman. Its complete title is "'CAUSE I TOTALLY CHEATED ON THIS ARTICLE1: Or, How to Successfully Plagiarize in UP Diliman." (You, too, can have your articles published here. Send them through e-mail to

BEFORE WE GO ON to the many ways of how we can plagiarize in the university, we have to look at how the university defines plagiarism, and at all those other SUPER ANNOYING rules they make up to ensure that we have a hard time writing our papers by not allowing us to steal other people’s works. Coming up with your own ideas is definitely a waste of time. Good thing we know better!
The existing Code on Student Discipline does NOT define plagiarism. It is, however, understood to be included in Sec.2(a), thus: "Any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to his studies."2 So we plagiarizers have to be really careful, because the Student Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) can suspend or expel us.
The best part for us cheaters is this: EVERYTHING can be plagiarized. Quotations, articles, blogs, photos, graphs, lesson plans, source codes, web sites, drawings, music, even ideas. With enough practice, you’ll never have to do any work at all.
So just how do you plagiarize And how do you make sure that plagiarizers stay free and unhindered? Let us count the ways.
1. Alter words but imitate the structure of the sentence without citing the original. Yeah, exactly like that. Unless you attended the UP Faculty workshop last September 27, 2010 on busting plagiarism, you wouldn’t have noticed.3
2. Copy words or ideas from someone without giving credit, but make sure too misppell a few things on perpose!
3. When you copy and paste from online text, [edit] and make sure that everything is of the same font and color.
4. “Give incorrect information about the source of a quotation.” – Marie de la Ramée
5. Don’t put quotation marks for phrases or sentences copied verbatim from another's work. That’s just a waste of keystrokes. 4
6. Keep resubmitting your work without informing the reader that you’ve used it before. It’s not cheating, it’s yours anyway.
7. If you want to up the ante, log on to websites that let you order entire papers. To go one step further, get one author’s original work and sell it to paper mills online, so you can get profit and help others plagiarize. Win-win!
9. Burn the citation manuals available at the library, they’re totally useless anyway.
10. Lastly, DON’T pay attention to the following paragraph if you want to be the best plagiarizer in UP Diliman:
Professor Cleonicki Saroca from the UP Department of Sociology writes, “I strongly believe it is the duty of universities to provide a clear definition of plagiarism including penalties. I take plagiarism very seriously. Firstly, plagiarism is intellectual theft. Secondly, as an educator, I work in partnership with students to assist them to develop their analytical and writing skills, to get them to think critically for themselves, and engage appropriately with the work of other authors. In marking an essay, I want to see a student's own work, not the unacknowledged work of another author. Students can't develop those essential skills if they simply steal other people's work.” 6
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