MAN IS THE MOST MYSTERIOUS of God’s creation. Many theories arose as to his origins. Many define him as a “rational animal” which evolved from the lowest forms and has the capacity to develop into the highest form, become superman and even become a god freed from the limitations he presently finds himself in. The wisdom of man contained in science and philosophy produced diverse ideas about what man is and what he can become without the help of the Being who caused his existence.
Man came into existence because God created him for a purpose. This fact man must know from God because, by himself alone, he will never be able to find out who he is, how he came to be, what he is for, and what is in store for him in the future.
1. What is man that God is mindful of him? He was made a little lower than the angels—Ps. 8:3-5.
2. How did God create man? He created man male and female.
a. The first man, from the dust of the ground — Gen. 2:7.
b. The first woman, from the rib of the first man — Gen. 2:21-22.
c. Subsequent men and women, from the womb of woman — Isa. 44:2, 24; Ps. 100:3.
d. Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary — Mat. 1:20-21; Luke 1:30-35.
e. Man is the image and glory of God; the woman is the glory of man — I Cor. 11:7.
f. Man is not of the woman but the woman of the man; man was not created for the woman but the woman was created for the man — I Cor. 11:8-9.
g. It is not good for man to be alone; that’s why woman was created for him — Gen. 2:18, 21-23.
3. What are the components of man? Body, soul, and spirit — I Thes. 5:23.
a. His body was formed from the dust of the ground — Gen. 2:7.
b. His spirit of breath of life was breathed into his nostrils by God — Gen. 2:7.
c. What the breath of life was breathed into man’s nostrils, became a living soul — Gen. 2:7.
4. At death, what happens to the components of man?
a. The body or the flesh returns to dust — Job 34:15.
b. This is the result of sin — Gen. 3:17-19.
c. The soul dies with the body — Ezek. 18:4; Rom. 3:23; Ps. 119:25.
d. The soul goes to the grave — Ps. 30:3.
e. The spirit returns to God who gave it — Eccles. 12:7.
5. When a man is dead, in what state is he?
a. Asleep — I Thes. 4:13; John 11:11-14; Acts 7:59-60; I Kings 2:10.
b. Waiting for the resurrection at the return of Christ — Job 17:13; 14:14; I Cor. 15:51-53; Ezek. 37:12.
6. While a man is dead, can he do anything and can anything be done for him? No.
a. He cannot participate in anything done under the sun —Eccles. 9:5-6.
b. His thoughts perish at his death — Ps. 146:4.
c. He cannot come back to the world of the living — Job 7:9-10; II Sam. 12:23.
d. He stays dead till the heavens are no more — Job 14:10-12.
e. The heavens will be no more on Judgment Day — II Pet. 3:7, 12.
7. Why does man die? Because of sin.
a. Man and beast have one thing in common —death — Eccles. 3:19-20.
b. Man dies because of sin — Rom. 512.
c. Man was given the freedom to choose between life and death — Deut. 30:19-20.
d. Man chose death — Gen. 3:17-19.
8. How is man an image of God?
a. Man is in God’s image — Gen. 1:26-27.
b. This image is not in nature:
1. God is a spirit—John 4:24.
2. Man is flesh—Gen. 6:3.
3. Man has flesh and bones which spirit does not have—Luke 24:39
c. This image is in holiness and in love:
1. We are chosen to be holy and without blame before him in love—Eph. 1:4.
2. God is holy—I Pet. 1:15-16.
3. God is love—I John 4:16.
9. Does man know how long his life on earth will be? No.
a. Man’s days and age are as nothing to God—Ps. 39:4-5.
b. Man’s life is like vapour—Jas. 4:14.
10. What if a man lives a thousand years? He will still die—Eccles. 6:3-6.
11. Who among men knows what is best for the future? No one—Eccles. 6:12.
12. Why should man realize the frailty of his life?
a. He will die—Job 7:6-10.
b. He has only one lifetime on earth—Eccles. 9:9-10.
c. He will rise up only at the return of Christ—I Cor. 15:51-52.
13. Will all men die? No. Two did not and the members of the [of Christ] who are alive when Christ returns will not die anymore.
a. Enoch did not die—Gen. 5:24; Heb. 11:5
b. Elijah did not die—II Kings 2:11.
c. Those in the Lord who are found alive at the return of Christ will not die anymore—I Thes. 4:14-17.
14. What are the things that are temporary? The universe, man, and his glory.
a. The universe will perish—Ps. 102:25-26.
b. man’s days on earth are as a shadow—I Chron. 29:15.
c. The glory of man is as grass and flower of grass—I Peter 1:24.
15. When and how will the universe pass away? By fire on judgment day—II Peter 3:7, 10.
16. To what is man subjected in this world? To miseries—Job 14:1-2.
17. Why is there no complete contentment for man in this life? Because he is not meant for this life but for a heavenly country—Heb. 11:14, 16.
18. Can man expect lasting comfort in this life? No. —Prov. 14:12-13.
19. Whyaare we still in the world with all its afflictions, tribulations, and dissatisfactions?
a. God wants man to experience these things—Eccles. 1:13.
b. Those of Christ will suffer persecution—II Tim. 3:12; I Pet. 4:12-13; Mat. 10:22.
c. Through much tribulation one must enter God’s kingdom—Acts 14:22.
20. Did God point to us a sure way to eternal life? Yes. Obey His commands—Deut. 30:15-20.
21. What if man disobeys? He will reap God’ wrath and indignation—Deut. 30:17-18; rom. 2:8-9; Isa. 65:11-12.
22. What is God’s wrath and indignation? The second death—Rev. 21:8; 14:9-11.
23. Does God want man to die the second death? No.
a. God has no pleasure in the death of one who dies—Ezek. 18:32.
b. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked—Ezek. 33:11.
24. How should man conduct himself during his short stay in this world?
a. He should not overuse this world—I Cor. 7:31.
b. He should not love the world—I John 2:15-17.
c. What is that world?
1) The works of the flesh—Gal. 5:19-21.
2) Unrighteousness—I Cor. 6:9-10.
3) Wickedness—I John 5:19.
25. What did god do to show His compassion for man?
a. He wants man to know the truth to be saved—I Tim. 2:3-4.
b. He sent His Son to the world to save those in it who believe in Him—I John 4:9-10; John 3:18.
c. He appointed man not to wrath but to obtain salvation through Christ—I Thes. 5:9-10.
26. What is God’s purpose in choosing man for Himself?
a. To serve Him—Ps. 100:2-3.
b. To be holy and to be adopted as His children by Jesus Christ—Eph. 1:4-5.
27. What then is the whole duty of man? To fear God and keep His commandments—Eccles. 12:13.
28. Why should man keep God’s commandments?
a. Man is created and owned by God—Ps. 100:3-4.
b. Man’s life is in God’s hands—Job 12:9-10.
c. Man has no power over death—Eccles. 8:8.
d. Man has no power over time—Eccles. 9:12.
e. Man lives and dies because of god—Rom. 14:7-8.
f. In God man lives and moves and has his being—Acts 17:28.
29. Why does God teach man who his owner is? To make him acknowledge his owner in all his ways—Prov. 3:5-6.

30. How can man prove that he knows and loves God? By keeping His commandments—I John 2:3; 5:3.
31. Who are those who say that they know God but actually do not? Those who say they know God but deny Him in their works—Titus 1:16.
32. What does the Bible call one who says he knows God but does not keep His commandments?
a. A liar—I John 2:4.
b. A child of the devil—John 8:44.
c. Destined for hell fire—Rev. 21:8.
33. Does predestination mean some are bound to be saved and others to be damned? No.
a. God has one purpose for all men—to be adopted as His children by Jesus Christ—Eph. 1:4-5.
b. All men were created in Christ to be good—Eph. 2:10.
c. God wants all men to be saved—I Tim. 2:4; I Thes. 5:9; II Peter 3:9.
34. If God wants all men to be saved, why does He not prevent man from sinning since He is all powerful?
a. God wants love from man—I Cor. 13:1-3; Mat. 22:36-37.
b. God gave man free will—Deut. 30:19-20.
c. God gave man free choice—Isa. 1:19-20.
d. God created man straight but he chose the evil way—Eccles. 7:29.
e. Man is to be blamed for the curse on himself—Prov. 1:23-26, 30-31; 11:19.
35. Did god give man another chance? Yes.
a. He is told to look for the good way—Jer. 6:16.
b. He is guided on what to choose—Prov. 16:25.
c. He is told to enter God’s gates—Ps. 100:3-5.
d. The good way is Christ—John 14:6.
e. Christ is sent by God—John 3:16-18.
f. Christ is the door of the [flock]—John 10:7, 9.
g. the [flock]is the Church … which He purchased with His blood—Acts 20:28
h. The church is saved by Christ—Eph. 5:23.
i. Those to be saved are added by the Lord into the [true Church]—Acts 2:47.
Peter John M. Bañes, the author of this article, believes that the Bible is more than just history or a piece of literature—“it is God’s message for man how to live his life in accordance with His divine will.” He further holds that “the truth of the gospel shall make you free from the law of sin and death.”
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