Teachers are performers. One has to mount a “production” while teaching important and pertinent information to gain the interest of our students. This is not intended to say that the teacher is playing a role, but that the teacher is providing an amiable environment in which learning can happen. Teachers need to ascertain how their students best learn and shape their teaching style to that method. What modern strategies can you cite in making the teaching process interesting and the learning process entertaining and engaging while providing consequential information?
This is one way to make discussions catchy and interesting. Mainly involving the use of practical applications and real-life situations to which students can relate, this approach also seeks to ‘concretize’ principles which are otherwise deemed as vague, highly theoretical, and useless.
This strategy also includes a) giving simple analogies (e.g. Christ’s likening Himself to “the vine” and His followers to “the branches” to show His relationship to them); b) “Show and Tell” or bringing of ‘props’ or actual sample of the thing to be studied (e.g. one’s real pet); c) mentioning trivia, hot news, or interesting facts about the topic; d) choosing words that are easily understood; e) asking open-ended questions to stimulate students' creativity; f) using question-and-answer method to encourage students’ active participation; g) asking provocative yet meaningful questions; h) requiring practical assignments (e.g. immersion).
As students today are engaged in using modern gadgets and on-line technologies, for the teachers to use these modern means in teaching is therefore to “speak the students’ language” which is so vital for learning to take place.
Experientially, using modern technologies like multimedia presentation, visualizers, educational software and the like can make the learning environment interactive and empowering. In fact, other teaching strategies like the flowchart technique are better presented also through the use of computer and communication equipments.
By this, we mean activities like a) brainstorming which encourages active participation and exposes students to multi-dimensional approach in solving problems; b) working in small groups to encourage team work and cooperation; c) ‘games and prizes’; d) sharing of jokes/humorous information related to the topic (kuwentuhan style); e) educational tours that involve participative activities (e.g. planting rice with farmers); f) case studies; g) role playing; h) group report/presentation.

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