A poem contributed by DIANNE DE GUZMAN PERLAS from Philippines. This poem she composed during her high school days serves as her inspiration in finishing her course. (You, too, can have your articles published here. Send them through e-mail to OurHappySchool@yahoo.com.)
OTHERS THINK LIFE is so unfair,
They are always asking why and how,
It’s not easy to live and to travel far.
Achieving ones goal take times somehow.
We are leaving in this mysterious world.
Full of challenges that we must ride,
Travelling in an uncertain road,
Is quite difficult to decide.
If you want something, work for it.
Strive for your dreams and let it happen.
Never think to quit, instead say “I can do it”.
When you know you are near at the end.
This world is a battle ground
For every people with missions to pursue.
Applying their determination and initiative
Happiness and contentment will be achieved.
We are just a miniscule projection
Of our God who created this extraordinary home.
So when you need someone to hold on.
He’s always there, and will not leave you alone.