Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 14:36

WORKING IN A MEDIA FIRM is one of the types of jobs which are by nature stressful. Especially in dailies, one necessarily has to beat the deadline and must be able to strictly deliver on time, as press people have what they call press time.
Hence, finds it wise to take an advice from someone who survives in a media firm on how to cope with stress.
Bob Gustin, managing editor of the Evansville Press, offers suggestions which are basically simple common-sense things which can be done on a minute-by-minute, day-by-day basis:
Don’t take the little problems from work home with you, but do have somebody outside work to talk with about big problems. Don’t overburden the “outside” person with trivial matters.
Leave your troubles at work.
Take a short break from the job; the simple act of getting away from the desk—to the soft drink machine, the water cooler, whatever—may break the intensity of deadline pressure.
Chew gum; take a coffee break.
Exercise at lunch time or even while sitting at your desk.
Find a quiet place to read or relax, away from the office, during lunch break.
Break stress by working on a different sort of story or project than you are accustomed to.
Set and achieve reasonable goals; organize goals in the order of importance and tackle them one at a time.
Surround yourself with familiar and pleasant objects, such as photos of your family or artwork.
Editor’s note: Bob Gustin’s suggestions were taken from The Community Newspaper. Press Foundation of Asia; Manila, Philippines; December 1990, p. 182.