Topics which could benefit students:
1. The effects of greater exposure to technology to students’ performance (whether or not it improves the ability of students to be competitive in a job market which is now largely driven by technological innovation).
2. Effects of social networking (Facebook, multiply, etc) to the academic performance of students
3. Allowing the students to use educational technologies (e.g. laptop, Ipad, etc.) in the classroom.
4. A research topic about "working students"
5. Peer Pressure (its underlying causes and effects, and how to handle it)
6. Effective study habits/ Effective coping mechanisms (effective ways by which students could safely let go of the stress)
7. English Proficiency of students
8. Appropriate teaching-learning strategies for students with varied intelligence level
9. Promoting entrepreneurship among students in the business college
Topics which could benefit faculty members:
10. Effective teaching strategies (e.g. a comparative study of different teaching strategies)
11. Adopting technological advances in teaching students/ the effects of using websites as a medium or tool for teaching and learning
12. Teachers’ computer literacy and readiness for technologically advanced equipments
13. Computer-aided Instructions (CAI)/“Teaching and Social Networking,”/ “Classroom discussion and On-line Discussion”
14. Effective ways to improve classroom discussions
15. Teacher’s professional development
16. Teachers’ benefits (the adequacy, insufficiency, or lack of)
17. The effects of teachers’ behavior and attitude to students’ learning performance
Topics which could benefit school administrators:
18. Assessment of different systems (e.g. enrolment, filing of request letter, paying system, etc.)
19. Keeping qualified teachers to stay (greater opportunities outside lure them to leave the school)
20. Improving the facility in the school (e.g. Accountancy students complain about the arm-chair which is not appropriate in making financial statements using a 10-column
21. Effective teacher supervision
22. Teacher empowerment
23. Curriculum improvement

24. Effectively motivating all school employees/ staff development (Competitive and skilled staff helps the school in achieving its mission, vision, and goals.)
25. ‘Proper communication’ among administrators, teachers, and students (minimizing gaps and miscommunication)
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