Even if it is the worst or first of its kind

Margarette Sinfuego Lineses, the contributor, is from New Era University and currently taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. (You, too, can have your articles published here. Send them through e-mail to OurHappySchool@yahoo.com.)


UHAAAH! IT'S A BOY! . . . tears overflowing down my cheeks . . . “Mama, it is a baby boy!” . . I have a brother now!

My father was dancing and singing in great joy.  Relatives came, to see the newcomer, the new member of the clan, and that was my sweet little brother.

Goldwin – that suits!  He came to us like the most precious gem found in this planet.  He filled the emptiness inside our hearts.  At last, our wishes came true, I now have a brother!

Attention, love, and care were given to him.  Days passed and my parents’ attention was exclusively for my brother.  He’s the luckiest baby I’ve ever seen . . .

“Mama, I want that cute pink dress and that stunning doll!  Will you buy it for me please??”  “I’m sorry sweetheart, but I guess we don’t need to buy that for now.  Your dad told me that we need the money for your baby brother’s milk, vitamins, new baby outfits, diapers, etc. for the next two weeks, besides, it’s only a toy!  Why not just go and play with your little brother?  He needs a playmate, right baby Owen?”

“Great! I didn’t have the pink dress and now I’m going to be his playmate whether I like it or not! that sweet little baby brother!!! . . .  How I wished he never came at all!

Two weeks after, my brother got sick.  It even became worst for me, because now, all of their attention was given to him.  Nothing was left for me, I felt being ignored and isolated!  Nobody cares to listen to me anymore!  I was jealous.

After three days, my brother got really sick.  He was then confined to the hospital.  Guilt flurries my mind.  My heart beats as if it really wanted to burst.  My parents were worried.  It was the first time I saw bitter tears coming from their grieving eyes.

The doctor came, mute, with his face doleful, so wretched.  I knew it . . .  he was gone!  He left me, us!  my sweet, angelic brother.  I’ve been irate with him while he’d been nice to me, when he was still our baby, when he was still here with us.

Why do we need to encounter this tragic moment?  Why did God let my brother, my innocent brother feel this gruesome, ghastly moments of his life that almost wrecked our hearts? . . .

After the interment, I sat beside my mother . . . realized something, explained it to her – slowly . . .  “We can’t control what He really plans for us, Mama.  He’s too powerful to be beaten off.  Whenever you fall, you must know how to stand again, . . . even if it is the worst or first of its kind.”
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