NAT Math Reviewer for Grade 3

NAT Math Reviewer for Grade 3

The National Achievement Test (NAT) is an annual examination given to grade school and high school students, public or private school. The student’s knowledge and skills tested in the subjects.

This is not an official product of DepEd, CHED, or any school. This is just to help you review for the examinations. Good luck!

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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)


This reviewer was made by:
Raper, Michelle
Padua, Maylen
Reyes, Jane Rocel
Real, Joy Ann
Tanggara, Salik


Free NAT Highschool Science and Technology Reviewer

This Free NAT Highschool (4th Year) Science and Technology Reviewer is for the National Achievement Test, an exam given to those students who are in Grade school and Secondary level for them to test their mastery over the subjects particularly in Mathematics, Science, English, and Filipino.

This reviewer is about Science. It covers subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)

This was made by the following persons/contributors (see Disclaimer):

Ryan Kirby Ong, Claudine Claudio Marco Nicolas Morales, Mervin Grayda, and Jimboy M. Baon.


Free Civil Engineering Board Exam Trigonometry Reviewer

This Free Civil Engineering Board Exam Trigonometry Reviewer is for Civil Engineering Board Exam, a licensure exam for Civil Engineering graduates. It is one of the requirements to be a professional Civil Engineer. In order to passed the Board Exam, you must have at least 75% of total grade in the examination. This can also be used for reviewing for UPCAT and other College Entrance Tests and other Examinations.

The coverage of this reviewer are the trigonometric functions, right triangles, solution of oblique triangles, radian measure, inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric formulas and identities.

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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)

This was made by the following persons/contributors (see Disclaimer):

Arriane Aurio, Michael Evasco, John Jave Marabe, Renz Manalastas, and Cedric Paolo Morales.


Free Civil Engineering Board Exam Solid Mensuration Reviewer

Civil Engineering Board Exam is a practice that tests the students' knowledge and determines if they are qualified to have a license. It is for this exam that this Free Civil Engineering Board Exam Solid Mensuration Reviewer was made. This can also be used for UPCAT and other Exams.

Once an individual passed the exam, the state board awards the person an Engineer Intern designation. It is one step along the path towards becoming a licensed Professional Engineer.

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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)

The coverage of this reviewer is Solid Mensuration -- is the study of solids used extensively by engineers. It involves the study of the measure of height, volume, length and so forth.

This was made by the following persons/contributors (see Disclaimer):

Lorizhel Lyndsey Ligeralde, Bernadette Conde, Ferrie Shaira Mae Gutierrez, and Joebert Taghap.



This Free BRAIN GAME is for the enhancement of your rational thingking and reasoning. Logic is a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration. the science of the formal principles of reasoning.

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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)

This game will help you to build up your critical thinking skills. This is a contribution of the following members : Kimberly Espanto Patricia Barlaan Bemar Petrola Gila Villarta. Note: Do not rely on this, please study harder to pass the exam, this will only serve as a reviewer. We suggest that after using it share it with friends.


Free NAT Elementary Science Reviewer

Free NAT Elementary Science Reviewer

The National Achievement Test is an annual examination given to students in the Philippines. The students' knowledge and mastery over the subjects Mathemathics, Science, Filipino, and Araling Panlipunan is measured using a multiple choice type test.

This is not an official product of DepEd or CHED. This is only to help grade six to review for their NAT exam.

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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)



Free Civil Engineering Board Exam Geometry Reviewer

Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. This Free Civil Engineering Board Exam Geometry Reviewer is to help you prepare for exams on Geometry. This can be used for reviewing for UPCAT and other Exams.

This reviewer covers topics like the following:

* Basic Shapes
* Parallel lines and Transversal
* Angles
* Polygons
* Area Formulas
* Volume Formulas
* Perimeter and Circumference

HOMEPAGE of Free NAT Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)

HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)


This was made by the following persons/contributors (see Disclaimer):

* Orlaza, Kenneth B.
* Bearis, Dave Brian
* Din, Alexandra Evette
* Acebuche, Red
* Amador, John Levi


NAT Reviewer in English for Fourth Year Students

 NAT Reviewer in English for Fourth Year Students

The National Achievement Test (NAT) is a yearly examination being conducted by the Department of Education for Grade 3, Grade6 and Fourth Year learners.  This test determines how much the learners have absorbed in terms of knowledge and competencies.  For the Fourth Year NAT, there are five areas which are tested: Filipino, English, Mathematics, Science and Araling Panlipunan. 

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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Exam Reviewers (Online e-Learning Automated Format)

In order to prepare the students who shall be taking the examinations, the teachers conduct their own review lessons that will hopefully help the students answer the questions in the booklet. 

Below is a NAT Reviewer in English which can help the teachers and students.  Before you take the 40-item test, try out the Practice Test first inorder to familiarize you with how to take the long test. Ready? 

NOTE: To have an ACCESS to this e-learning material, just CLICK the FB LIKE button above (If you have not clicked yet).


UPCAT and NAT Reviewer: Social Science

I would like to encourage each and everyone of you to take this simple quiz and test your knowledge on Social Science. The author has presented 50 questions in different fields of Social Science such as history, politics, literature, et al. This is a good exercise for the brain and at the same time you will enjoy remenishing your lessons in the past. Keep your brain updated with the lessons of the past.


NAT Reviewer for High school students in English

NAT Reviewer for High school students in English

The National Achievement Test (NAT) is an examination given annually in March to assess the competency of both public and private school students.

This reviewer covers the topics like: Idioms, Spelling, Synonyms and Antonyms, Reading comprehension, Sentence Completion and Word analogy.


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HOMEPAGE of Free UPCAT & other College Entrance Test Reviewers by (Online e-Learning Automated Format)


This Reviewer was made by the following students: Marielle Anne Lorenzo, Corina Plameras, John Carlo Gonzales, Jesse Dalde and Daniel Haduca.



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